Pure Spirit Campaign

The Mind once Enlightened cannot become dark

pure spirit campaign

In the temple-Brahmrishi Geetanand Ashram (situated at Naurangpur), we encourage people to give up their bad habits, and to be a good person in their life so that they can spread happiness and make a better world. For a sustainable future, tree plantation and caring for animal life is encouraged to retain a balance between nature and environment. By doing above, one attains purity of soul. The experience of divine manifests in this body through the path of selfless Karma Yoga, Brahma Yoga becomes simpler, and practitioner attains ultimate peace.

According to Sadguru Brahmrishi Geetanand, there is only one difference between Kaliyuga and Satyuga – and that is due to bad habits, bad qualities and defects in Kaliyuga, the mind is corrupted with impure thoughts and actions. Therefore, to inspire a human being to walk on the path of greatness, here is the saying of the Brahmrishi Geetanand Ashram –

अवगुण हटाएँ, सतगुण अपनाएँ।
आओ मिलकर, सतयुग बनाएँ॥

Remove the vices, adopt the virtues!
Let’s make a golden age together!!

प्रकृति बचाएँ, पेड़ लगाएँ
आओ मिलकर, हरियाली फैलाएँ !!

Save nature, plant trees!
Let’s spread greenery together!!

योग अपनाएँ, रोग भगाएँ !
आओ मिलकर, अध्यात्म अपनाएँ !!

Adopt yoga, get rid of diseases!
Let’s adopt spirituality!!

We conduct collective and personal spiritual counselling programs and inspire people to adopt good habits, to do good deeds, to end the cycle of bad habits and sacraments. According to our spiritual guide Sadguru Brahmrishi Geetanand Saraswati, Sanatan Dharma (universal religion) is the only ancient religion, where the world has the power to establish peace. Sanatan Dharma brings all people of different religions and beliefs under one roof. The main philosophy of Sanatan Dharma is that there is only one supreme power which is the creator of the universe and that same divine is known by various names in different religions. It descends on earth time and again in various forms to show the true path to the faithful, and spread the message of peace, love and spirituality around the world. Impressed by this thought, people of different faiths like Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian etc., are bringing positive changes in their lives by following the simplest of yoga paths as directed by Sadguru Brahmrishi Geetanand Ji. In this way, the world is moving towards establishing universal peace by fulfilling the verse of all followers Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्

The main purpose of this campaign is to start the golden age of Satya Yuga by motivating people to spread peace, love, happiness etc. An era where people of different caste, creed, color, gender, nationality, status (high or low) and faith come together to establish happiness through their conduct, spirituality and good deeds. With your cooperation, we can start a new era. An era in which society is full of virtue, love, harmony, peace and prosperity. As a part of our self-purification campaign, you can walk with us on the divine path of spirituality and experience divine peace and happiness for purification of body and mind.

We conduct individual and group Spiritual Counselling programmes and inspire people to break the circle of Bad habits & Karma and adopt good habits, perform good deeds and attain Karmic immortality through good karma and good deeds. The main objective of this campaign is to inspire people (irrespective of their caste, creed, color, sex, status, nationality, position (high or low), belief) to be a good human being and to spread peace, love, happiness and spirituality around the world to initiate a Golden era of Satyuga.

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