Vedic Rituals & Temple Services

temple services

Ancient Brahmrishi Geetanand Ashram is a proven pilgrimage place where worship, tapasya, sacrifice, yoga, selfless services, chanting, and meditation bring success. And with the grace of the Guru, all the roadblocks in one’s development get removed. To remove negativity and achieve happiness and prosperity in life, Brahmrishi Geetanand Ashram organizes various meditation and group chanting in the Ashram. In addition to general worship, special worships are organised on special occasions like Shivratri, Navratri, Shraddha, Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali, Janamashtami etc.

In Brahmrishi Geetanand Ashram, the entire procedure followed for pooja is taken from ancient Vedic scriptures. Special puja is also performed at the Ashram on the request of the devotees. On personal request, one can also perform the following prayers and rituals for achieving desired results, spiritual progress, good health, peace at home and success in professional life:

You are welcome to contact us in case you want to participate in worship individually.

We also initiate Shodasha Samskara rituals as follows:
The 16 major sacraments in Hinduism are called the Shodasha Samskaras:
Gर्भाधान: A ceremony for a couple to have a child
Puंसवन: A ceremony performed three months after conception
सीमन्तोन्नयन: A ceremony where a thread is tied to the pregnant woman’s head to symbolize the child’s safety
जातकर्म: A ceremony where the newborn is fed honey or ghee and Vedic mantras are recited
नामकरण: A very important ceremony in Sanatan Dharma
निष्क्रामण: A ceremony where prayers are made to deities for the child’s safety and well-being
अन्नप्राशन: A ceremony performed when the child is 6–7 months old
चूड़ाकर्म: A ceremony that involves shaving the head, which is considered especially important in Sanatan culture
कर्णवेध: A ceremony that involves piercing the ears
उपनयन: A ceremony that is mainly performed for the Brahmin, Kshatriya, and Vaishya castes
वेदारंभ: A very important ceremony for an individual
विवाह: A ceremony performed when a person is ready for marriage
वानप्रस्थ: A ceremony performed before taking the vow of sannyas
संन्यास: A ceremony where a person takes the vow of sannyas (jigyasu, mansik sannyas, karma sannyas, purna sannyas) and separates from society
The Shodasha Samskaras are landmarks in an individual’s life, from the womb to the tomb. They are said to strengthen emotions, protect the body and mind, and have a deeper spiritual significance.

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